It shows how high surface albedo extends equatorwards in two opposing bulges into asia and north america . 它表明高的地表反照率如何在亚洲和北美两个相对的部位向着赤道扩展。
Study on consistency of land surface albedo obtained f 由遥感数据获取的地表反照率归一化问题探讨
A study of monthly - mean surface albedo of the yangtze river delta 长江三角洲地区地表月平均反照率的卫星遥感研究
Deriving the surface albedo over the yangtze delta from noaa avhrr data 遥感资料反演长江三角洲地表反照率的试验
Retrieval of the land surface albedo over arid oasis of northwest china from eos - modis data 西北干旱区内陆绿洲农业特征及发展认识
Retrieval of the surface albedo under clear sky over china and its characteristics analysis by using modis satellite date 卫星资料反演中国地区晴空地表短波反照率及其特征分析
The effects of altitude , surface albedo , total ozone , aerosol and cloud on uv - b are studied with a radiative transfer model ? uv 利用tuv辐射传输模式研究了海拔高度、地表反照率、臭氧总量、气溶胶和云等对uv - b的影响。
One avhrr image of the yangtze delta at 13 : 00 on 15th apr . , 2003 is used to retrieve the regional parameter such as surface albedo , ndv1 , surface emissivity and surface temperature , which is based on regional trait of the yangtze delta to choose different model . all above will give a methodological support to gain the regional surface parameters , what ' s more , it will afford the parameter support to calculate the regional et too 选取了2003年4月15日13时的avhrr影像,根据长江三角洲区域特点,选择不同的反演模型,分别对长江三角洲区域地表反照率、归一化植被指数、地表比辐射系数、地表温度进行了反演,为区域地表参数的获取提供了方法支持,也为长江三角洲的区域蒸散量求取提供了参数支持。
Roughly acquire optical depth of clear sky and clouds from radiation station data and routine meteorological data of land surface , and the study the relationship between clouds " physical character and radiation . obtain the relationship between surface and near - ground atmosphere , and then according to this estimate surface albedo and surface net . by analyzing the relationship between satellite visible spectra , infrared spectra , and water vapor spectra values and radiation , by means of radiation transfer theory , analyze and deducethe relationship between clouds and radiation , and establish relationships between satellite value and global radiation and net 通过卫星云图的计数值来判断云对辐射的作用,以此建立起它们之间的关系;利用地面观测资料和常规资料来粗略求取晴空大气和云光学厚度,进而研究云的物理属性与辐射关系;简单的获取地表与近地面大气之间的辐射关系,以此估算地表的反照率,和地表的净辐射;分析了卫星可见光、红外及水汽云图计数值和地面辐射之间关系,利用辐射传输公式来推倒和分析云对辐射的关系,试图建立起卫星测值与地表总辐射和净辐射之间的关系,并将晴空和有云的个例分开,分别建立并选出最佳模式,以此来估算地表的净辐射和总辐射。
To improve understanding of the processes of heterogeneous land surface - atmosphere interaction , the utilization of satelli te remote sensing is indispensadle . in this paper , with the aid of satellite remote sensing and fiend observational data which observed during intensive observation of huaihe river bain energy and water cycle experiment hubex in 1998 , the surface albedo , ndvi normalized difference vegetaton index and surface temperature in regional scale of hubex could be derived . then , the distribution of regional energy balance components could be estimated . this wor provided the physical foundation for the numerical simulation of the huaihe river basin energy and water pro cesses , and is important for us to further analyze the regional distribution of surface characteristic parameters ad energy balance components with the change of the weather situation in hubex in 1998 . our work is still in a developing stage , some methods of retrieval in the paper should be improved further 利用1998年淮河流域加密观测试验hubex iop期间的资料,进行淮河流域能量平衡的参数化方案的研究,用noaa卫星的avhrr资料建立了试验区地表特征参数及能量平衡各分量的参数化方程,并对卫星遥感反演结果和试验观测值进行了对比,为淮河流域能量和水循环的数值模拟提供了物理依据。